A Content Based Approach:
Marketing Communication and Event Management
Marketing Communication and Event Management
If you are going participate and sponsor an event naturally, you would like to ask what will you get from it? What shall be the rate of return of your investment. What is it for you? How effective will your mass media campaign be? Can a long term relationship be established between you, the participants and your prospective clients? Your objective is to establish a relationship with the participants to remember you, the quality of your service; and, to promote your products and services. At the very least, you also wanted - a return of your capital.
If you are the participant, you would like to know - who will attend? Who are the sponsors? What will you gain? Can you have beautiful images? Make-Up? Clothes? Will you enjoy? Will you learn something? Can you establish long term relationship with those present? Is the price reasonable?
Let us say that you will provide the venue for the event as sponsor, but the food and other amenities should be paid. A win-win situation. There! You already have a concluded transaction - even just for a return of capital since you wanted to promote and market your product and services. If you are a designer - the one who shall provide the gowns, clothing or fashion accessories - you would like to be paid even just the cost of materials. There you have it! A concluded transaction and establishing a relationship with prospective clients to refer you. If you are a hair and make-up artists (HMUAs) you expect to be given food, reasonable allowance or giveaways, to get to know and meet prospective clients by showing how good you are in your craft. There! You have a concluded transaction. Of course you'll ask payment even just for your false eyelashes. If you are a photographer - you can have wonderful images to display your work. If you are passionate about it - you already have a well prepared and trained models with beautiful make-up in their best attire with designers clothes. You with just shoot and upload the images you took to show your works. You don't have to spend much to update your profile rather than do the preparations yourself. The participants can enjoy at a discounted price with beautiful images, clothes and make-over. Everybody win!
Person to person engagement is still the best form of promotion and marketing. To be supplementd with mass media promotions in different platform, it becomes more effective. So when you upload the images, videos and other materials from the event - your friends and relatives can view, like or share and comment on it because they can appreciate and relate with you at the same time the works of the artists can be viewed by your friends.
At ITSURA Advocacy for responsible imaging, we provide the event, including the print, television and the social media exposure- to establish relationship and propel our advocacy for responsible omaging and uploading of images in the social media. So what are you waiting for? JOIN US!
Measuring the Effectiveness of your Mass Media Campaign
In measuring the effectiveness of your mass media campaign, it is not only by the number of likes or views that should be measured. You may have millions of likes and views, but without any person to person engagement, reaction, shares and conversion - it remains just likes and views. NOTHING.
The Wedding Entourage Event designed by the ITSURA Group of Photographers, Hair and Make-Up Artists of the Make-Up Madness Philippines and designers - is different. We can measure the number of engagements; comments/reactions; share; level of those who reacted (who can relate to the event, videos and images to establish "personal connection"), to create a long term relationship with theparticipants.
As an example. In this event - there were 3,705 views; 59 shares; 66 likes ; 10 comments; and, a relationship was established among the participating HMUAs, Photographers, Parents; and, Designers with the participating sponsors.
The views, likes and comments of those who shared the video at their own FB accounts were not included in the computation. The likes, comments, share and views of the individual pictures of the participants taken by the Photographers and posted in their respective FB accounts was not also included in the counting. Imagine, if the likes, shares and reactions on the images and video posted in the individual account of the participants is to be included individually, the figure might double or even triple. Moreover, the video and digital images uploaded in the net will stay in the web for decades to come.
Aside from facebook, this video was distributed to different sites and media platform. If you are reading this material or watching the video, this is not included in the above computation.
ITSURA Events is an advocacy campaign by a group of photographers, HMUAs of the MUMs Philippines and designers advocating for responsible imaging and uploading of images in the social media.
If you have inquiry for your event planning, marketing communication plan and execution, feel free to contact:
Event Planner
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